But things are changing. Today Google have office in Kiev and one representative inside.
In September,2007 Dmitrij Sholomko became official Google representative in Ukraine. Today he have office. It is really good growth rate. Looks like Google is planning to hire first programmer in Ukraine in the second half of XXI century.
text based on story from www.arturclancy.com
6 комментариев:
“Looks like Google planning hire fires pregrammer in Ukraine in the second half of XXI century.”
I likes it, but not understand.
Ще краще
"I likes it, but not understand."
I like it, but I don't understand it.
неа, он понимает, ибо умеет читать между очепятками.
уже поправил :)
Ну тогда
...Today he HAS AN office....
Хотя я бы сказал - there is an office for him.
Английский на грани фантастики.)
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